Objectives of the conference The aim of this conference is to exchange on issues and working methodologies specific to research in scientific, technological and vocational education, to compare the results obtained and to identify the advances in research in such a field within the Mediterranean region. It also aims to promote and establish work projects between the laboratories that are members of the SIEST network ((Interlaboratory Seminar on Scientific and Technological Education) in order to develop a shared culture of research work on teaching-learning in the scientific, technological and professional fields. Moreover, this conference aims to support young researchers in a process of communication and scientific publication. In this perspective, the speakers will be encouraged to publish an article at the end of the conference in the Mediterrean Journal of Education https://pasithee.library.upatras.gr/mje Themes This 8th edition of the SIEST Méditerranée conference will present and question the research work currently being carried out on several trends in the development of scientific and technological education to face various challenges: climate change, energy crisis, etc.: (a) approaches and systems for education for all in science, mathematics and technology from kindergarten to university, based in particular on digital technology or taking into account pupils with learning difficulties Organisation of the Conference In 2021, the SIEST Méditerranée (Interlaboratory Seminar on Scientific and Technological 2 the scientific committee, to ensure that they correspond to one of the themes of the 2023 Important dates The deadline for receipt of one-page abstracts is 12 February 2023 at the latest. The Authors’ guidelines Proposals for papers must reach the scientific committee by 12 February 2023 at the latest via News Registration for the SIEST conference is open until May 10, 2023. Registration steps: -Registration on the platform website https://siest2023.sciencesconf.org/registration
-Registration through the form
-Send proof of payment (for resident participants) *Please consult the page rates and methods of payment to choose the formula that suits you https://siest2023.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/1
SIEST2023 Conference Program |