Objectives of the conference

The aim of this conference is to exchange on issues and working methodologies specific to research in scientific, technological and vocational education, to compare the results obtained and to identify the advances in research in such a field within the Mediterranean region. It also aims to promote and establish work projects between the laboratories that are members of the SIEST network ((Interlaboratory Seminar on Scientific and Technological Education) in order to develop a shared culture of research work on teaching-learning in the scientific, technological and professional fields.

Moreover, this conference aims to support young researchers in a process of communication and scientific publication. In this perspective, the speakers will be encouraged to publish an article at the end of the conference in the Mediterrean Journal of Education https://pasithee.library.upatras.gr/mje


This 8th edition of the SIEST Méditerranée conference will present and question the research work currently being carried out on several trends in the development of scientific and technological education to face various challenges: climate change, energy crisis, etc.:

 (a) approaches and systems for education for all in science, mathematics and technology from kindergarten to university, based in particular on digital technology or taking into account pupils with learning difficulties
(b) approaches and arrangements for initial, in-service and lifelong learning training for the professional development of science and technology teachers.

Organisation of the Conference

In 2021, the SIEST Méditerranée (Interlaboratory Seminar on Scientific and Technological
Education) conference had to be cancelled due to the global health crisis. However, we
managed to organise it in May 2022 - but in a different form... at a distance.
If the health situation allows it, the next SIEST Mediterranean conference will be held at the
end of 19-20 May 2023 in Hammamet (Tunisia). The aim is to allow a face-to-face
conference to be held following the last conference, which was to be held in Tunisia in 2021,
but which was organised remotely in 2022. The final programme will be available in March
Furthermore, the scientific committee particularly encourages proposals bringing together
researchers from different laboratories of the SIEST Mediterranean network, in order to
strengthen and develop inter-laboratory collaborations.
The conference will bring together, by theme, papers proposed mainly by young researchers
- master's students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students - accompanied by confirmed
researchers from the various research teams. Papers will be presented in French or English.
The abstracts of the proposals will be submitted to the appreciation of readers, members of


the scientific committee, to ensure that they correspond to one of the themes of the 2023
In addition, after the conference, the best papers will be selected by the scientific committee,
and the authors will be accompanied by experts to submit a co-authored article in the
Mediterrean Journal of Education.

Important dates

The deadline for receipt of one-page abstracts is 12 February 2023 at the latest. The
paragraph "recommendations to authors" specifies the writing constraints.
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: 12/02/2023 25/02/2023
- Return of reviewers: 13/02/23 at the latest        at the latest 30/03/2023
- Conference: May 2023
- Deadline for return of selected full papers: 15/09/2023
- Online publication: from mid-October 2023

Authors’ guidelines

Proposals for papers must reach the scientific committee by 12 February 2023 at the latest via
the conference website: https://siest2023.sciencesconf.org. The text must respect the
standards required in the educational research community and the rules presented below.
Texts that do not meet these standards cannot be sent to the experts.
The following standards are expected:
 The abstract, written in French or English, should include, after the title: name and
surname of the author(s), position, institution of origin, e-mail address.
 The general title should be as short as possible (≤ 60 characters).
 A list of maximum 5 keywords should be provided
 The abstract itself should not exceed 1 page, excluding bibliographical references,
and should meet the following standards: Times 12 pt font; single-spaced paragraphs,
margins (left, right, top and bottom: 2.5 cm).
 The expected content of the abstract is as follows: context, theoretical framework,
research question(s), methodology, results/conclusion
 References in the text must respect the A.P.A. rules (example: "According to the
latest elaborations of specialists (Amy, 1998; Dupont, 1996; Dupont & Dupond, 1996),
the conclusions of Durand (1994) must be followed, even if the precisions made by
Dupuy (1995a; 1995b) must not be ...").
 The bibliographical references will be placed at the end of the text and presented in
alphabetical order in a single list not subdivided by type of publication, according to
A.P.A. standards (6th or 7th edition).


Registration for the SIEST conference is open until May 10, 2023.

Registration steps:

-Registration on the platform website https://siest2023.sciencesconf.org/registration


-Registration through the form



-Send proof of payment (for resident participants)

*Please consult the page rates and methods of payment to choose the formula that suits you





SIEST2023 Conference Program

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